Catégorie : Dates de concerts

Jane Getter

JANE GETTER infos concerts

JANE GETTER 2023 Some very cool fotos from our show KuBa Jena Germany titled « Prog-Rock as it’s best: Jane Getter Premonition at Kulturbahnhof Jena, Thueringia, Germany (GRIIIx) » Thanks!…/progrock_as_its_best_jane…/ 2022 We’re kicking off...

Tom Keifer

Cinderella’s TOM KEIFER new videos

Cinderella’s TOM KEIFER   Tom Keifer has once again shot down the possibility of a CINDERELLA reunion, saying that « it’s a situation that doesn’t work anymore. » Although CINDERELLA hasn’t released a new studio album since 1994’s « Still Climbing », the band...

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