Update: received a check yesterday from Maggie Monty increasing the total raised funds to $6,657,– Thank you Maggie for your donation. Every dollar brings us closer to our goal!!
Please keep on donating via our website by credit card or paypal, or send a check to Rock’n Roll Museum Inc, 113 East 2nd Street Clarksdale, MS 38614 or drop by. Every donation brings us closer to our target of $10,000 to be matched (5 to 1) by a Southern Bancorp grant (for the years 2015/2016)
Update: received a check yesterday  from Maggie Monty increasing the total raised funds to $6,657,-- Thank you Maggie  for your donation. Every dollar brings us closer to our goal!!<br />
Please keep on donating via our website by credit card or paypal, see: or send a check to Rock'n Roll Museum Inc, 113 East 2nd Street Clarksdale, MS 38614 or drop by. Every donation brings us closer to our target of $10,000 to be matched (5 to 1) by a Southern Bancorp grant (for the years 2015/2016)

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