Your Black World
Your Black World
The latest from the writers in the Your Black World Network
Dr Boyce Watkins: What the OJ Trial taught me about white people, black people and America
by Dr. Boyce Watkins I remember 20 years ago, waking up from taking a nap. I was dating a really horrible woman at the time who shall remain nameless. But then again, I probably think she’s horrible because she dumped me for a better-looking man, so just chalk it up to my being a hater. […]
Halle Berry ordered to write nearly half a million in checks to her child’s father
June 10, 2014 | 0 Comments
Actress Halle Berry is going to be writing some pretty hefty checks to her ex-boyfriend for the child they made together. According to People Magazine, the actress has been ordered to pay $16,000 per month…
Black Male Student Told to Say “Yes Sir, Master” to White Male Teacher
Reported by April V. Taylor A mother reported to The Des Moines Register regarding a case of a school board not appropriately disciplining a teacher who told a…
June 10, 2014 / / Read More
Report: Chicago Lawmaker Accused of Taking Bribe Was Entrapped by FBI
Over the past few years, we’ve seen a number of black lawmakers who’ve been singled out for sting operations by the FBI. Several state lawmakers in New York have been targeted as well as Councilmember Michael Brown in Washington D.C. On the national scene, Jesse Jackson Jr. is probably the most recent black lawmaker to […]
June 10, 2014No CommentRead More#
SC Governor Demands Ban on Black Biker Week, But Welcomes White Bikers
In South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley is proposing an end to the African-American tradition in the state where black bikers gather, but she hasn’t voiced any opposition to a Harley gathering of mostly white bikers. The black BikeFest in Myrtle Beach began as a standalone event which allowed African-Americans to gather. Over Memorial Day weekend, […]
The UNCF takes money from men who can’t stand President Obama
The United Negro College Fund has been under fire for taking money from any available source. But the organization has struggled to find funding to support the many Historically Black Colleges and Universities in America that are under severe financial strain. UNCF President Michael Lomax has taken criticism for accepting a large donation from Charles […]
Derek Fisher Named New York Knicks Head Coach
June 10, 2014 | 0 Comments
BY: John “Hennry” Harris As speculated, Derek Fisher has been named the New York Knicks head coach by Phil Jackson agreeing to a five-year, $25 million contract according to ESPN. Fisher was given a similar…
Rapper Lil Kim Gives Birth to First Child, Gives Her an “interesting” Name
Reported by April Taylor Rapper Lil Kim, age 39, has given birth to her daughter at Hackensack University Medical Center in New Jersey. The baby girl was reportedly…
- Allen Iverson Retires with Less Money than a Five Year Old
- Jamal Mashburn Made Less than Iverson, but Owns 71 Restaurants
- Tony Parker Latest Social Media Victim
- Inmate can’t contain his excitement after being released for crime committed as a teenager
- Coach Cal turns down $80 million from the Cavs
- Houston, We Have A Problem: Is Dwight Howard Dating Underage Girls?
- Waka Flocka Flame’s Brother Commits Suicide
- DeSean Jackson Sues Agent over Bribery
- Vigalantee:Lebron James deserve respect,So why are you Hating?
- Wartime: POWERADE & Sprite Applauds LeBron James’ Game 2 Performance
Not exercising may increase chances of dying from breast cancer
Breast cancer patients who don’t get sufficient levels of exercise may experience a decreased quality of life and compromised survival rates, Medical News Today reported. In a study published in the journal Cancer, researchers from the University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill analyzed data from the Carolina Breast Study, a cohort of 1,735 […]
1,500 Bricks Of Heroin, Firearms And A Live Chicken Seized From Ex-Steeler’s Home
June 10, 2014 | 0 Comments
BY: John “Hennry” Harris Police arrested two men, 33-year-old Price Montgomery and 35-year-old James Perrin, as part of a large herion bust according to the Attorney General’s Office. “We keep an eye out and there…
Study: Size does matter, but width may matter more than length
For one-night stands, size does matter, but it’s not p-nis length that women are concerned about — it’s girth, a new study suggests. In the study, 41 women viewed and handled p-nises made on a 3D printer. The models were blue, and ranged in size from 4 inches long and 2.5 inches in circumference to […]
Former Elder for TD Jakes says he was escorted out of the building for writing his book
David Lee Richardson was once a proud member of The Potters House, the church run by famed pastor TD Jakes. Richardson is also the author of the book, “The Sunday Morning Stickup: What your pastor doesn’t want you to know about Tithes.” In the video conversation below, Richardson says that his book was not received […]
June 9, 2014No CommentRead More#
Was it wrong for this woman to breastfeed her baby at graduation?
Reported by April Taylor Karlesha Thurman has ignited a storm of controversy after posting a picture to her Facebook page of her breαstfeeding her child at her graduation ceremony. The 25-year old Thurman graduated from California State University Long Beach with a Bachelor of Arts degree. She reports that she found out she was pregnant […]
Obamacare was supposed to reduce emergency room visits, but the opposite has occurred
– It wasn’t supposed to work this way, but since the Affordable Care Act took effect in January, Norton Hospital has seen its packed emergency room become even more crowded, with about 100 more patients a month. That 12 percent spike in the number of patients — many of whom aren’t actually facing true emergencies […]
The latest from the writers in the Your Black World Network
Did you know Barack Obama’s high school basketball team won the state championship?
President Obama has a powerful and respected life. He is the first black president, actually born of mixed-race heritage, and his role in history has been cemented for all eternity. But the president’s past appears to be even richer and more interesting than his present and future. The picture above is an old pic of […]
Man pretended to be TD Jakes and convinced a woman to give him thousands
A woman tells a scary story about how a man used Bishop Jakes’ likeness in order to swindle her out of quite a bit of money. Claudette Woodley says that someone friended her on Facebook claiming to be Bishop Jakes. The man also said that he would give her thousands of dollars in order […]
June 7, 2014No CommentRead More
“Christian” NBA player says he slept with 90 women a month
Winston Bennett was once a highly respected basketball star at The University of Kentucky. He even had a brief stint in the NBA and had a chance to live a life of riches. But much of that was ruined because he was unable to control his urge for women. His urge was big….so big that […]
Judge Threatens FL Man With Jail Unless He Stops Homeschooling His 8 Yr Old
By: Krystle Crossman Joseph Rosa has proclaimed himself a sovereign citizen. He does not wish to abide by the rules of the government and so he has decided that he is his own estate. He lives in Marion County, FL and has been ordered to send his 8 year old daughter to school or else […]
Bible School Quotes Hitler on Billboard Promoting Children’s Education
By: Krystle Crossman Life-Saver Ministries in Opelika, Alabama is under fire from Alabama residents for a billboard that they recently posted in a very public area. What was meant to be an inspiring billboard about today’s youth and how they are the future of the country turned out to be confusing and to some offensive. […]
Are You a Confident Woman? If So You May Exhibit Some of These Traits
By: Krystle Crossman Confident women are everywhere. They have this way about them. When they enter a room, people take notice. They are not arrogant, just confident in themselves and…
May 20, 20147 CommentsRead More
Inmate can’t contain his excitement after being released for crime committed as a teenager
After 20 years, 37-year-old Frederick Christian—a convicted killer— has been approved for eventual release from prison. The Massachusetts Parole Board voted 6-0 on Thursday to release Christian, as…
June 7, 2014 / / Read More
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Financial Juneteenth | Formerly homeless man gives away $1,000 to people on the street
Have you seen the viral videos of the homeless man named Eric? In March, Youtuber Magic of Rahat saw Eric sitting on the sidewalk and gave the man…
June 7, 2014 / / Read More
Here’s What Really Goes On At The ‘Orange Is The New Black’ Jail: It’ll frighten you
April Taylor The Netflix series Orange Is the New Black claims to provide a realistic portrayal of prison life, but the Riverhead jail on Long Island, where the…
June 7, 2014 / / Read More
Actor Tracy Morgan in critical condition after accident
Famed actor and comedian Tracy Morgan is in critical condition after a late night car accident that cost another person his life. The actor was in a limo…
The Leading Cause of Fights Between Couples
By: Krystle Crossman Couples get into spats all the time. It is completely normal. If you don’t fight in a relationship there may be something wrong. But there is one…
What’s Hot in Your Black World?
- Racism at Its Finest: Woman Thanks God For Bullet That Killed Trayvon
- Goodbye to Jet Magazine: Last issue released for June
- April Taylor: Has wealth made Morgan Freeman out of touch with racial inequality?
- Harvard Law Professor Charles Ogletree: Smarter Sentencing Act will address Mass Incarceration
- Man turns his life around and gets 98 years prison due to a clerical error
- Yvette Carnell: Don Lemon says black people made Justin Bieber use the n-word
- Two Reasons Why a lot of Black Men Can’t Stand the TV Show, « Scandal »
- April Taylor: Feminist Uses Worthless Study to Discredit Concerns of False Rαpe Accusations
The latest from the writers in the Your Black World Network
Crying Wolf: How Should Society Punish False Rαpe Accusers?
Reported by Krystle Crossman It is an unfortunate fact that there are women that lie about being rαped and end up having innocent men sent to jail. In 1931, a group of nine black men dubbed the “Scottsboro Boys” were convicted and put in prison for the supposed rαpe of two white women on a train. […]
Blacks With Weak Credit 50% More Likely to Have Mortgage Applications Rejected Than White Peers
In a credit market driven by pure numbers, the outcomes should reflect the credit scores. However, as Vox discovered, new data seems to show that while blacks are…
June 6, 2014 / / Read More
Goodbye to Jet Magazine: Last issue released for June
By Andrew Scot Bolsinger The final issue of a pioneer magazine that focused on its core audience of blacks in America and expanded into the mainstream marketplace will…
In Fight For Civil Rights, Why Are White Americans Missing In Action?
Reported by April Taylor A recent article by Dr. Maruice Mangum discusses discrimination and the continued fight for Civil Rights. It points out that while black people are…
Pastor Jamal Bryant says the black church is now filled with “sanctified sissies”
After being caught in the middle of controversy for his “these hoes ain’t loyal” remark, Pastor Jamal Bryant is now on the offensive. The megachurch pastor says that the black church has become some westernized and feminized that it now caters to women and those who believe that men have little to no value in […]
April Taylor Slavery by Another Name: The Re-Enslavement of Black Americans from the Civil War to World War II was originally a book by Douglas A. Blackmon that tells the story of how black men and women were placed back into slavery conditions through the convict lease system used by state and local governments, white […]
By April Taylor There are already enough facets of American life being controlled by corporations, and education seems to be the new frontier for corporations to extend their control. The Daily Kos is reporting that the Walton family, the heirs to the Walmart corporation, are putting more than $1 billion into reshaping the American educational […]
By Dr. Sinclair Grey III Common Core State Standard was promoted as a way of promoting high academic standards for children all over the country. Here’s the question – is the initiative about equitable outcomes? Principal Carol Burris and Alan A. Aja of New York seek to answer that question. According to Burris and Aja, […]
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- Woman Lost $1.3 Million from Man She Was Dating on the Internet: Here’s How They Do It
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- Black People Described as Having “thick lips” and “wide noses.” in Hong Kong Student Textbooks | The Black Home School
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“Mandela: A Long Walk to Freedom” Director Vents About Lackluster Sales, Did Lupita Nyong’o Steal His Thunder?
Reported by April Taylor William Nicholson, the screenwriter for the film titled Mandela: A Long Walk to Freedom, starring Idris Elba, is making headlines for controversial remarks he made at the British literary convention, The Hay festival. Nicholson believes his film did not receive the critical acclaim and awards it should have because the Steve McQueen film […]
June 6, 2014No CommentRead More
Writer asks: Why do women love Diamonds, knowing that lives are lost to obtain them?
by Crista Gray Last week I read an article that summarized all that is wrong with the diamond industry fairly well. Dhar wrote “Diamonds are a sham and it’s time we stop getting engaged with them,” for Business Insider, where the lack of investment of this refined rock was explored, as well as the history […]
Study: Here’s why men with children often cheat on their spouses
Reported By Liku Zelleke In a survey that involved more than 5,000 cheating men, it has been found that 78 percent of the subjects were philandering while they were still involved in their first marriage. Out of those men, the survey found that 82 percent began cheating after they had had children. The survey was […]
Why Are Public School Kids Scoring Much Lower As They Get To Higher Grades? | The Black Home School
By: Krystle Crossman One would think that as students grow and move up in their schooling they would perform better with schoolwork and testing. They are used to the way things are done so by the time they hit high school they should be at their peak performance right? Wrong. Test scores from high schools […]
Dr Boyce Watkins & S. Tia Brown: Jamal Bryant, “These hoes ain’t loyal”
In this episode of Financial Lovemaking, Dr Boyce Watkins and S. Tia Brown discuss Pastor Jamal Bryant’s remarks in church. During a recent sermon called “My enemy’s worst nightmare,” the pastor used the term “these hoes ain’t loyal,” which led to controversy. This builds a conversation about the relationship between the black church and it’s congregations, […]
African Americans with Lupus at greater risk of problems during pregnancy
African-American women with lupus are at increased risk for adverse pregnancy outcomes, even before they are diagnosed with the disease, a..
This 70-year old woman looks like a 40-year old
Annette Larkin’s has eaten a 100 percent raw, vegan diet for decades, and she is reaping the benefits. She refers to the diet as her own..
Malcolm X explains exactly why black people don’t have jobs
June 7, 2014 | 0 Comments
by Dr. Boyce Watkins In this very important video, Malcolm X is talking about the importance of owning black businesses. Due to the legacy and history of African Americans being trained to work for whites,…
Five things you may not know about HBCUs
June 7, 2014 | 0 Comments
Historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) are institutions of higher education in the United States, that were established for the purpose of serving the Black community. All HBCUs play a vital role in the American higher education…
UNC athlete says he took fake classes and made the dean’s list
June 7, 2014 | 0 Comments
By Dr. Sinclair Grey III The University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill is no stranger to academic controversy. The school has been embroiled in a shake-up in that many student-athletes have been permitted to…
The Richest Americans in History
June 7, 2014 | 0 Comments
We know the story of how slavery and Jim Crow extracted so much wealth from the African American community, that we’ll be catching up for the next 200 years. But just in case you’re interested,…
How to Know if You’re a Financial Zombie
June 6, 2014 | 0 Comments
African Americans are often held back by our lack of access to econmic freedom and financial literacy. This can cause us to make decisions that might be otherwise deemed unethical, but we go along with…
The Real Rick Ross tells his story, and also how the CIA brought drugs to black America
Freeway Ricky Ross was the real Rick Ross who existed before the rapper came along. Ross was never compensated for the use of his name, but unlike the…
June 7, 2014 / No Comment / Read More #
Lupe Fiasco Compares Justin Bieber To Donald Sterling Due To Racist Remarks
Lupe Fiasco was recently asked to address Justin Bieber’s unearthed video clips, which feature the Pop singer using the n-word in racist remarks. “Donald Sterling, did he say…
Dr Boyce Watkins & S. Tia Brown: Black pastors, black women and money – The Jamal Bryant fiasco
June 6, 2014 | 0 Comments
In this episode of Financial Lovemaking, Dr Boyce Watkins and S. Tia Brown discuss Pastor Jamal Bryant’s remarks in church. During a recent sermon called “My enemy’s worst nightmare,” the pastor used the term “these…
Houston, We Have A Problem: Dwight Howard, are those girls underaged?
June 6, 2014 | 0 Comments
BY: John “Hennry” Harris Houston Rockets center Dwight Howard is under heavy scrutiny after pictures started circulating through social media showing D12 in a hotel room with two girls that look woefully underage. The Internet…
Jadeveon Clowney Reaches Deal With Houston Texans
June 6, 2014 | 0 Comments
BY: John “Hennry” Harris Jadeveon Clowney is one of the most physically talented players to enter the NFL in quite some time, and the Houston Texans made sure to reach terms with the premiere pass…
This 23-year old man has 24 children
University of Rwanda College of Education in Kigali has a student who is gaining international attention. Jean Claude Nkusi is a 23-year old man who has 24 children and he pushes all of them to succeed academically. But none of the children were created by him biologically, so this is not some ghetto-tastic reality show. […]
Big Blue Nation Gives John Calipari Big Green, Agrees To $52 Million Extension
June 6, 2014 | 0 Comments
BY: John “Hennry” Harris University of Kentucky head basketball coach John Calipari has been somewhat on the hot seat after he was rumored to be the Los Angeles Lakers next head coach during the Wildcats’.
- 8-year old chef runs her own business and is becoming a celebrity
- Morgan Freeman Says Race Has No Impact on Income Inequality |
- Diddy gives his tips on how to be a mogul
- Dr Boyce Watkins & S. Tia Brown: Black pastors, black women and money
- April Taylor: Has Morgan Freeman’s Success blinded him to the problem of racial inequality?
- How black free labor was exploited with prisons even after slavery ended
- Kevin Hart will joke about black women, but not gay people
- What would reparations look like? Would it be a check or something else?
- Many Americans Can No Longer Afford The « American Dream »
- An Ex IRS agent is taking on the government by telling it like it is
Justin Bieber apologizes again after being caught being racist on video
Reported by Liku Zelleke Pop star Justin Bieber has apologized for a racist video that had been leaked of him making jokes – unfortunately, it has just been…
Could Chris Brown Be Headed Back To Jail? | Reason 4 Rhymes
BY: John “Hennry” Harris Chris Brown, 25, has been stretching his legs as a free man after being released from Los Angeles County Jail on Monday (June 2,…
The latest from the writers in the Your Black World Network
Diddy gives his tips on how to be a mogul
June 6, 2014 | 0 Comments
Sean Combs, also known as P. Diddy, is a rapper, producer, actor and entrepreneur. Combs was born in Harlem, New York and grew up in Mount Vernon, New York. After majoring in business for two…
Harvard Law Professor Charles Ogletree: Smarter Sentencing Act will address Mass Incarceration
At critical periods in our nation’s history, progress becomes inevitable. The momentum is almost palpable, as Americans come together to make a collective decision to right a wrong,…
R. Kelly’s daughter is now a boy
R. Kelly’s daughter Jaya hasn’t had much to do with her father. This is not an uncommon fate for many black children these days, particularly in the city of Chicago. Now Jaya has grown up, and is appearing in blogs as a 14-year old, but not as the pretty little girl that she once was. […]
As LeBron cramps in hot arena, the Spurs do damage in game 1
June 6, 2014 | 0 Comments
One year later, Danny Green has not cooled. In a span of two minutes and 18 seconds in the fourth quarter Thursday, Green scored 11 points with three threes, taking the Spurs from down a…
8-year old chef runs her own business and is becoming a celebrity
June 5, 2014 | 0 Comments
By Nigel Boys While most little 8-year-old girls are busy playing with their dolls or other kids stuff, Taylor Moxey is well on her way to what she dreams of doing in later life, opening…
He lost his father, went through foster care, but was accepted to 9 medical schools
Reported by Liku Zelleke He led a tough life. The odds were stacked against him and, at one time, it did seem that he wouldn’t be able to make it through high school. He, and almost everyone around him, just couldn’t imagine seeing him succeed. But that is exactly what Festus Ohan, 22, did: he […]
Another black man freed over dirty cop’s false arrests
By Andrew Scot Bolsinger Roger Logan is the latest man to be freed after serving years behind bars for a crime he did not commit. Logan, who spent…
What’s Popular
- Pastor Jamal Bryant: « These hoes ain’t loyal »
- Pastor Jamal Bryant criticizes Tom Joyner for poor handling of « hoes ain’t loyal » remark
- Beyoncé’s Pastor Approves The Singer’s New Over-Sëxualized Brand
- Couple finds lost $50 million dollar lottery ticket: « God gave us the money »
- Woman who tied her baby to the back of her wedding dress gives her explanation
- Teacher accused of sleeping with a student and exposing him to HIV
- Founder of Women’s Ministry Slams Beyoncé’s Pastor For Defending The Singer’s Raunchy Style
- Donald Sterling Attends Black Church and Receives Round of Applause
- Yolanda Adams and others say goodbye to beloved Gospel singer Melvin Crispell
- This woman died for her Christian Faith in the Sudan: What does that say about the country?
25-Years Later: Bed-Stuy Street Could Be Renamed “Do The Right Thing Way”
June 5, 2014 | 0 Comments
BY: John “Hennry” Harris 25 years ago Spike Lee dropped the movie “Do The Right Thing” detailing the simmering racial tensions which boil over into tragedy on the hottest day of the summer. The movie…
Keyshia Cole’s Husband Speaks Out: ‘I Cheated My Wife Out of a Friend’
Posted on June 5, 2014By The (Ree)lationship GuideCeleb Secrets, Top 5’s
Reported by Ree, “The (Ree)lationship Guide” Many fans of R&B singer Keyshia Cole were disappointed to learn that the singer and her husband/father of her son, NBA player Daniel Gibson, were possibly heading to divorce court. The couple married in May 2011 and appeared to be estranged by March 2014. While Keyshia Cole wouldn’t confirm the actual […]
Swizz Beatz Says Ex-Wife Did NOT Intentionally Vacation With He And Alicia Keys
Posted on June 5, 2014By The (Ree)lationship GuideCeleb Secrets, Top 5’s
Reported by Ree, “The (Ree)lationship Guide” Rap producer Swizz Beatz has finally come clean about the photo TMZ acquired of his ex-wife, Mashonda, allegedly vacationing with he and his current wife, Alicia Keys, in March of this year. The photo surfaced years after Mashonda had been quoted referring to Alicia Keys as a “home wrecker”and […]
Many Americans Can No Longer Afford The “American Dream”
June 5, 2014 | 0 Comments
Reported by April Taylor The American dream is generally defined as the set of social ideals that include equality, democracy, and material prosperity. These ideals and the upward mobility that comes with them are generally assumed…
By: Stephanie Allen-Gobert The chemical forming addictive azodicarbonamide (ADA) has recently been exposed in the dough used by the fast food giant Subway. Subway recently announced that it stop using the chemical agent, which is also found in items from yoga mats to flip flops. Although, the announcement is a small victory in the fight […]
By Nigel Boys According to new guidelines from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), consumers of things like potato chips and fries should be aware of the dangers of eating these goods if they are too crispy or overcooked. Apparently during the frying, baking or roasting process of foods like potatoes and cereal grains, a […]
Former NC Mayor Pleads Guilty to ‘Accepting Monies For Constituent Services’
June 5, 2014 | 0 Comments
Reported by Dr. Sinclair Grey III Politics, power, and the need to profit from them can drive someone into doing something irrational and unthinkable. Let’s face it – when you have people eager to meet…
What would reparations look like? Would it be a check or something else?
June 5, 2014 | 0 Comments
April Taylor Ta-Nehisi Coates’ recent Atlantic cover story “The Case For Reparations” features a number of stories that illustrate the price many African Americans have paid for the history of segregation and racial discrimination in…