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Today marks Rod Stewart’s landmark return to songwriting, with the release of his new album Time –
now available everywhere!
The album features 12 original tracks, 11 of which he wrote and produced including « She Makes Me Happy, » and « Finest Woman. » You can get the album in stores at Barnes & NobleFred MeyerFYEHastingsJ&R MusicK-MartMeijerNewbury Comics,ShopKoTargetWalmart, and Whole Foods, or purchase online at Amazon or iTunes at the links belowPurchase Time on Amazon now.
Download Time on iTunes now.

Fan Packs – Buy Now For Mother’s Day!
Don’t forget that Time is also available in a variety of exclusive fan packs which include Rod’s autobiography, a vinyl copy of the album and just in time for Mother’s Day, a 1-800-Flowers gift certificate.Click here to order one now.

Win A Phonecall from Rod!
Tweet an image of yourself with your copy of Time to @RodStewart with the hashtag#TimeWithRod for a chance to get a phone call this week from the man himself! He’ll be selecting a few Twitter followers to ring up personally! Click here to follow Rod on Twitternow!

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