MELODIC ROCKFEST 27, 28,29 Septembre 2013

JeffScott Soto: “We missed MRF2 but we’re making it upby showing this time to MRF3!! Thanks
to Andrew for getting W.E.T. over to debut in the US, could be the start ofsomething big…see you all in Sept!!”

EricMartin: “Howdy Melodic-rockers,  EM here in Holland waiting in the airport forthe next flight to Austria). I’ve got a lot on my plate this year with thisacoustic tour and the upcoming Avantasia Mystery of time tour, I’m a lucky manthat’s for sure. But I’m saving my strength for the main course in Chicago thisSeptember. I am so excited to be sharing the stage with all these greatperformers; I can bet that the atmosphere will be full of wild energy Yee tothe haw!!! For me it’s going to feel like a Rock & Roll High School reunion(without the platform shoes and bellbottom jeans).”

PeteLesperance (Harem Scarem): “Hey y’all! I can’t tellyou how excited we are to be back and playing at Melodic Rock Fest 3 in Sept!Seems like to perfect gig to start the 2013 Mood swings reunion tour! This timeI promise we’ll make sure our Visas are in order and actually show up. Oops!”

TedPoley: “I am very proud to be a part of theupcoming MELODICROCKFEST! This event is a MUST for any fan of Melodic Rock,it’s a rare opportunity to see many of their favorite artists that simply donot tour on a wide scale. Anyone who attended the last one knows that this isan event not to be missed! See you there!”

JoeVana (Mecca): “The last MR fest was an honor and ablast…the guys in Mecca and I very much look forward to doing this show andmeeting the fans again! Oh yea, one thing more….Fergie Frederiksen is firmlyback at the helm with me! We now get to do material from Mecca I, Mecca II,Fergie’s solo career and of course some Toto tunes from his tenure with thatAmazing Band….We are coming to kick ass!!!”

Richie(7th heaven): “It is an honor to be a part ofMelodic Rock Fest 3. What a great line-up of great acts with great songs, Ihope everyone can make it out. We, 7th heaven, are looking forward to a greatrocking set. See ya there!”

VicRivera (Adriangale): “Pumped to be playing at mythird MelodicrockFest – on behalf of all of Adriangale, we are looking forwardto seeing you all in Chicago in September for what will be a truly awesomeevent!”

ScottMiller (Tango Down): “We have played a lot of showsover the last 2 years, from festivals (indoor and outdoor) to clubs and eventheatres. But playing MelodicRockFest 3 will be an event to remember!! Thankyou for having us Andrew. It doesn’t get any better than playing your show andalong with some of the most awesome bands around. Again, an event to remember(Pre Beer drinking!)”


Inorder of appearance, THE COMPLETE LINE-UP DETAILS ARE:

FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 27 (Acoustic Night)

-Eric Martin – Fresh from his European solo acoustictour, Eric will bring the best of his solo career and all the Mr. Big hits tothe stage for this headlining appearance.

-Kelly Keeling – The Baton Rouge vocalist will beperforming a best of set including songs from his main band, plus others fromhis time with Michael Schenker, Heaven & Earth and John Norum.

-Glen Burtnik – One of the greatest songwriters ofour time has agreed to do a solo “best of” set, which will include songs fromhis legendary Heroes & Zeroes & Talking In Code albums plus more!

-Robert Tepper – The 80s AOR star will perform songsfrom his cult classic No Easy Way Out album and new material.

-Gary Schutt – Often a one man band in his ownright, the popular Jeff Scott Soto Band bassist, guitarist, songwriter will beat his entertaining quirky best.

-The Radio Sun – Out of the ashes of Square Onecomes a new band ready to make a statement. They will perform acousticallyFriday and a full electric set to open Saturday.

-Line Of Fire – One of the best new AOR acts out ofAmerica, here to play songs from their first two albums.

-Bonrud – By popular request, we are sneaking inthese guys to close the night with an electric set to rev fans up for theweekend ahead. And there may be more….as we have no curfew to adhere to!



-Harem Scarem – After missing MRF1 due to visaissues, the band has a mission to blow fans away with their high energy set andinfectious songs. The Canadian melodic rock legends will be touring to promotethe 20th Anniversary of their classic Mood Swings release. This is their firstUS show in 20 years and the only one for now!

-WET – The melodic rock “supergroup” consisting ofJeff Scott Soto (Vocals), Eric Martensson (of Eclipse on guitars) and RobertSall (of Work Of Art on guitars/keyboards) plus members of Eclipse will performtheir first ever USA show and are set to blow fans away just as they did lastyear in the UK and earlier this year in Sweden with one of their rare liveappearances.

-Mecca+ – Mecca is Joe Vana and his powerhouseprofessional band of Chicago natives. But this time around they are bringing avery special guest with them – Toto’s Fergie Frederiksen, who was an integralpart of the Mecca debut. The set list will comprise of tunes from Mecca (oldand new) and also Ferge’s time with Toto.

-Adriangale – No one saw this one coming, but VicRivera, Jamie Rowe and Co are back together. What better place to relaunch thisgreat act, along with a new Album (on Kivel Records) than at MRF3! So expect a »Hit” infused set, with some killer new material!

-Tango Down – The band is becoming a well-seasonedlive act and vocalist David Reece promises a set heavy on material from theirnew album and classic Bangalore Choir tunes!

-Brett Walker – He delivered the cult classicNevertheless album, so on the eve of a brand new studio release, Brett willbring his band to Chicago for a dose of old and new Americana melodic rock.

-Newman – The acclaimed British rock outfit arefinally set for their USA debut. Expect a set featuring songs from all eras ofthe Newman legacy.

-7th heaven – These guys need no introduction, beingat MelodicRockFest 1 and 2. For #3 they have a new singer and a new album –expect a killer high-energy set.

-Evolution Eden – One of the newcomers featured thisweekend. This powerhouse trio will impress, no doubt.

-The Radio Sun – Plugging in and cranking it up to getSaturday off to a flying harmony filled start.



-Steve Augeri – Best known for his time bringingJourney back to the masses and fronting the amazing Arrival album; he’s alsofronted Tall Stories and Tyketto. The man himself will be in the house with hisbacking band Valentine for a set filled with everything you’ll be hoping for.

-Ted Poley – Mr Energy will deliver another fabulousset of high energy rock n roll, from his solo tour to all the Danger Dangerhits and a few rarely heard tracks for the die-hards!

-House Of Lords – The James Christian lead lineupthat has delivered four amazing melodic hard rock albums in the last severalyears will be delivering a knockout set of hits and current favourites.

-Eclipse – Sweden’s favourite melodic hard rock actwill be in the mood to rock, giving tracks from all albums a spin – especiallythe brilliant current album Bleed & Scream.

-Bombay Black – A party favourite for any occasionand MRF3 will be a party. So who better to warm up the crowd!

-ColdSpell – Another class act from Sweden, theseguys are building their profile and delivering more each time. Get ready for adose of Scandi hard rock.

– NoLove Lost – A new American act that is making somewaves and will no doubt make their presence felt at MRF3.

-Crossing Rubicon – One of two heavier bands for theday. American melodic metal band Crossing Rubicon will help make up the crowdafter what will no doubt be a long night Saturday.

-Inner Siege – A touch of progressive metal mixed witha melodic edge will get the crowd over any hangovers from the night before.

-Loveblast – Chicago’s own 80s melodic hard rockband will show why they are a star on the rise with a set that is bound toconvert fans gathered for the show. 

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