WWE Infos
There is a small community of competitors throughout WWE history that have captured more than one title at the same time. Chris Jericho – WWE Universe, Lance Storm and Shawn Michaels – WWE Universe all belong in this category. Check out these exclusive photos of Superstars wearing multiple titles.
SEE PHOTOS: http://wwe.me/ntxUC
TITLE HISTORIES: http://wwe.me/ntxWk
![There is a small community of competitors throughout @[7175346442:274:WWE] history that have captured more than one title at the same time. @[8122075826:274:Chris Jericho - WWE Universe], Lance Storm and @[9752007795:274:Shawn Michaels - WWE Universe] all belong in this category. Check out these exclusive photos of Superstars wearing multiple titles.<br /><br /><br />
SEE PHOTOS: http://wwe.me/ntxUC<br /><br /><br />
TITLE HISTORIES: http://wwe.me/ntxWk](https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s403x403/1000872_10151562723941443_1643315030_n.jpg)