With the 26th annual WWE SummerSlam fast approaching, take a look back in history and check out this ranking of the 25 greatest bouts to have taken place at WWE‘s warm-weather classic.
TOP 25 MATCHES: http://wwe.me/nzZAM
WATCH PLAYLIST: http://wwe.me/nzZHK
![With the 26th annual @[571239636259694:274:WWE SummerSlam] fast approaching, take a look back in history and check out this ranking of the 25 greatest bouts to have taken place at @[7175346442:274:WWE]'s warm-weather classic.
TOP 25 MATCHES: http://wwe.me/nzZAM
WATCH PLAYLIST: http://wwe.me/nzZHK](https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/p75x225/1005906_10151568188491443_1156544787_n.jpg)