Cartoon Show or Rock n Roll Band ?

According to creator Rich Sirgiovanni it’s both, and much more.

Richard Sirgiovanni, who has been involved in the Long Island andNew York Citymusic and arts scene for quite a while developed The Grimps  three years ago.

Combing his two passions which were cartoons and rock n roll, Rich decided to develop an idea for a new kid’s animated TV show.


As an artist and musician he designed the characters, their personalities, storylines and vision of making them into a legitimate rock n roll band with original music.

The idea has grown to have all the signs of not just a cartoon show but all the signs of an entertainment property that has many licensing avenues.


“By night they’re 4 cool, charming, irrepressible musicians on the verge of stardom. By day they’re hairy, scary & tiny. A bit gruesome and I bit impish. They lived 500 years ago, cursed by the evil wizard because he was jealous of their music and celebrity. So he cursed them into ugly little grimps to be banished from society for eternity. Until 500 years later their friend and wizard, Magic Alex found a temporary spell to change them back to humans, but from only sunset to sunrise”.


Such a simple idea….zany, delightful and quirky.

Although the target demo for the show is 7-12 years old, Sirgiovanni’s vision and hope is that it will be family entertainment reaching three generations. The statistics on The Grimps are already showing this to be true.

The fan base on facebook and twitter is over 4000 and growing but what is significant is that they are 6- 70 years old and from all around the world.  The Grimps have also been well received by the media doing magazine, radio & TV interviews from all over the world which has helped spread the word.


“Everyone loves cartoons, young & old” Sirgiovanni believes that the grandparents who are the classic rock generation are also enjoying it  because of it’s retro feel and similarities to the music and things they grew up with.  This is also true with the interest Sirgiovanni has gotten from many rock icons who want to be involved with the show and  Grammy award winning producer Jack Douglas, who will be producing the original sound of The Grimps in the studio with Richard.


Richard is now preparing for the next step which is pitching The Grimps to TV & online networks. He has just completed producing an animatic trailer , or what the industry calls a “sizzle reel”.

The trailer introduces The Grimps, their humor, the music and the basis of what the show will be about.  The Animatic Trailer can be found at The Grimps web site

You can also learn more about The grimps by visiting them on facebook.



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