Roxy Perry a publié dans les 10,000 Blues, Quebec City Roxy Perry 21 avril, 10:08 An Interview with New York blueswoman Roxy Perry: Truth and life experience are essential in Blues The Blues saves me a lot of money on therapy. Roxy Perry: Big Apple Blues Queen A child prodigy, Rox… J’aime Commenter Partager |
Roxy Perry a publié dans les 10,000 Blues, Quebec City |

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have a good week happy new year 2015

Join us for a weekend get away at NORTHWOODS INN / DELTA BLUE , LAKE PLACID. This is the only BLUES HOTEL I know of. They have great rates and hospitality beyond compare. We’ll be doing our show both FRI AND SAT NIGHTS. On board will be ROXY PERRY, JIM MORAN, BOB FUSCO, TOM the suit FORST, and ROB the drummer GOTTFRIED. This is also the weekend of LAKE PLACID CHRISTMAS STROLL….not to be missed.