KAREN BRIGGS Infos concerts new videos



Peut être une image de 1 personne, jouer d’un instrument de musique et texte


Coming up in January 2020!
• Atlanta’s Suite Lounge Jan 9
• Studio City, January 14,
• Spaghettini’s Seal Beach January 18

L’image contient peut-être : 3 personnes, personnes souriantes, texte
L’image contient peut-être : 5 personnes, personnes souriantes, texte








Karen Briggs

August 2, 2018 Atlanta!!!

L’image contient peut-être : 2 personnes, personnes souriantes, texte
Karen Briggs
2 juin, 13:56
FLASH!!! (revised) 9 & 10:30pm, Saturday, June 6, 2015! Only $15!!! 
This will be something MUSICALLY special and local in Downtown, L.A @ the blue whale! The band is going to be ‘something else’ with the fabulous Mitchel Forman on keys, Jimmy Haslip on bass (Yellowjackets), Euro Zambrano (Venuzuela) on drums, Yours truly on fiddle, and of course, Munyungo Jackson will be leading us all through a one-time musical journey on percussion! Excited and honored for the invite!

karen briggs

ATLANTA!!! I was in Thomasville and Macon, GA just last week, but only utilized your airport to get there, but this time I’m performing right there in the BIG ATL! FEB 20TH and looking forward to see some of my friends and family all in the name of music! It’s coming up quick so please reserve now!
ATLANTA!!! I was in<br /><br /> Thomasville and Macon, GA just last week, but only utilized your airport to get there, but this time I'm performing right there in the BIG ATL! FEB 20TH and looking forward to see some of my friends and family all in the name of music! It's coming up quick so please reserve now!

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