By Barry Burch Jr. When it comes to campaign season, nothing is off limits. But for some reason, a top aide in Bayonne mayoral hopeful Anthony Zanowic’s campaign failed to receive the memo. This person involved themselves in a profanity-filled, racially charged exchange on Facebook as well as via text message with a 21-year-old volunteer for […]
February 24, 2014No CommentRead More
By Dr. Sinclair Grey III For a while now, the sports media has been focusing so much attention on Michael Sam and his admission that he’s gay that it’s difficult not talking about the upcoming football draft without hearing his story. With the possibility of being the ‘first openly gay’ football player, Michael Sam has […]
February 24, 2014No CommentRead More

By Barry Burch, Jr. Teaching elementary students, as fulfilling as it might be, is not easy. Many people feel that not enough appreciation is given to teachers for all that they do. At the same time, teaching is a choice. No one has to teach. And if a teacher does happen to find themselves so […]
February 24, 2014No CommentRead More
By Tiara Kj Williams On Jan 1,1863, Abraham Lincoln signed one of the most important documents in history, especially for African Americans. He issued The Emancipation Proclamation, which granted the freedom of black slaves in 10 states. This executive document divided an entire country, and it may have cost one man his life. Here are […]
February 24, 2014No CommentRead More
In a twist of irony, two men recently discovered that pretending to rob people will get you locked up in much the same way that actually robbing people will. Two Philadelphia pranksters learned that the hard way after they were recently arrested for pranking people by pretending to rob them. Investigators allege that the two […]
February 24, 2014No CommentRead More
By: Dr. Samori Swygert Marvin Gaye was prophetic in his song, Mercy Me (the Ecology). Marvin broke down the numerous insults we are inflicting on our living habitat, and ultimately damaging our ecology. According to a report from the 2012 Symposium on the Ocean, our oceans are rapidly undergoing the process of acidification. This process […]
February 23, 2014No CommentRead More
By: Dr. Samori Swygert This is lengthy but if you are African American, THIS IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. The demand for reparations to African Americans starts NOW! I read an article last night in the Washington Post about how Secretary of State John Kerry, his advisers, and other State Department officials are in active negotiations with […]
February 23, 20141 CommentRead More
By Dr. Sinclair Grey III Rarely do you get a chance to read about something positive in the news. With so much killing, a person can sometimes become numb to good news. If it’s not reading about killing, there’s talk about politics and how Republicans and Democrats are attacking one another over certain laws and […]
February 23, 2014No CommentRead More
By Dr. Sinclair Grey III 48-year-old Willie Noble is being charged with a teen’s death after shooting into a carload of teenagers because he felt that the teens vandalized his vehicle. According to Noble, the shot was not to kill anyone, but to scare the teens off. The vandalism began as teens pranked Nobles’ teenager. […]
February 23, 2014No CommentRead More
By Andrew Scot Bolsinger Police in Ohio finally convicted the right man for several robberies in the area by a reportedly black suspect. The only problem: the real thief was white. For weeks a white robber’s disguise of a black man was so lifelike that several people called into police to finger a black man […]
What’s Hot in Your Black World?
February 19, 2014
By Jackie Jones The biggest issue that comes up for many of my self-employed clients is money/self-worth. Far too many clients don’t know how to set prices for their goods and services and, worse, they often express what they want in the form of a question, as if to ask the clients if it is okay to seek a fair … Read More »
February 4, 2014
A listener recently asked for advice regarding how to expand her handmade jewelry business beyond her current customer base. « I started my handmade jewelry business back in march and I have a decent client base made up of my friends and some people that I have reached through the internet, but I love to make jewelry and I want my … Read More »
January 28, 2014
By Roddric Sims During an entrepreneurship workshop that I led a few years ago one of the current business owners raised their hand and surprised a lot of the aspiring business owners when they stated « I have not worked this hard since my son was a baby! » Even though it might be hard to believe for some, this statement makes a … Read More »