6 mars 2014

To all my friends,First of all I’d like to thank you so much for your support – without you none of this would be possible.
I would also like to thank my mentor Quincy for all his support and for producing this album with me. It’s heavily influenced by my Cuban roots, the culture, and the people I had left behind. The title « The Invasion Parade » refers to an annual tradition in Santiago de Cuba that commemorates the invasion of the Cuban « Liberation Army » that freed my country. This event marked the end of Cuba’s War of Independence against Spain. On this special day, Conga groups march for hours throughout neighboring cities to drum battle with thousands of people singing and dancing in tow. It’s an incredible celebration and the memory of it remains lingering in my mind. Thinking of it reminds me of the smiles and the laughter… the spirit of the people.
The music on the album is also an « invasion » of different cultures since the musicians on this album are from Cuba, Puerto Rico, Bulgaria, and the U.S.
The Invasion Parade is a celebration of freedom – a freedom to express who I am through the music I create from my experiences.
I hope you enjoy the music and I invite every one of you to be a part of the celebration!
We’re kicking off the world tour in Boston this Thursday!! You can buy tickets to the Scullers Boston show here.
And you can buy tickets to other shows near you, here. Check out the tour dates below!
And finally, I would like share with you the music video for
« The Invasion Parade. » I hope you enjoy it!! Please feel free to share it with your friends and fellow music lovers.
Muchas gracias a todos por su apoyo!
