Nashville Universe

Nashville Universe

Nashville Universe,


We have updated our CMAfest link with the order of performances for 6/6/14 and indicated if the performance is acoustic or with the Nashville Universe band.  Also, we are pleased to announce that the amazing band Friends of Lola will be playing our after party!  We have additionally updated our signing schedule at the convention center booth and those of you that are signing will be included in materials distributed to all 4 day pass holding CMAfest14 attendees!


Starting immediately, the kind professionals at Blackbird Studios have given Nashville Universe a week of studio time !  How will we decide on the person/band to get the time?  A WEEK IN BLACKBIRD STUDIO!?!?  Video yourself singing an original song.  Upload the song to NU (youtube and link it is best).  We will be announcing the judges soon and this will conclude 6/30/14.  Yes you could get a week in a MAJOR studio.  Google them or  You will know the names of the major artist that record there!


CMAfest link :


Have a safe weekend,

Nashville Universe


Visit Nashville Universe at:

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