RANDY BRECKER infos concerts



Photo Jean Paul Bellanger



Big News! The Second Installment of Chuck Sher’s Jazz Songbooks just came out and I’m proud to be among the other fine composers in presenting the Randy Brecker Songbook….Here’s the website:
Please take a look, and a Big Thanks goes out to Chuck for including me in this package and to Mike Hyziak who assisted in putting the 20 tunes from different stages of my career into readable lead sheets! Included some original hand-written parts from back in the day as an added incentive, but the lead sheets and mini-score adapted by Mike are just first rate and easily readable! Included YouTube links so you can hear the tunes at the same time and wrote some words about each in the preface…Pretty cool if I do say so myself …we all put a lot of time and energy into this…and thanks to Ada Rovatti who really helped me finding most of these tunes, I wasn’t too great at keeping the handwritten parts in places where I could find them…ya’ write em, record ‘em then move on, so big thanks to her too…this is really nice to have ‘out there’…no vampy tunes either…some good ones! And at $14 that’s a pretty darn good deal…


Hey Guys and Gals and everyone in between! So I’m proud to appear on the first 2 cuts of this great new Marc Jordan CD “Both Sides.” Marc is an incredible Singer-Songwriter probably best known for songs he’s written for others, but this one is all Marc! With beautiful orchestral arrangements by Lou Pomanti this mostly ballad recording of tunes you thought you knew, amazingly re-harmed to another realm, plus two of Marc’s originals, will transport you to another dimension and leave you in suspended-animation. Play with your ‘significant other’ by your side and sparks will fly…or maybe some sparks will fly even if you’re alone!
Here are a couple of links!

YouTube : Marc Jordan – The Nearness of You

Spotify link for the whole record:

À propos de ce site web





Wow! Not one, but two great reviews of recent projects: with the UMO Jazz Orch and NDR BIgBand..by Jim Montavalli from the New York City Jazz Record…and like he mentioned: « Just on the basis of these two releases, it’s clear that Brecker (who sounds glorious throughout) is a national treasure who should be subsidized by our government! »
So who do I call??

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nouvel album live

randy breckers

Here’s the CD recorded live in Milan of the Monday Night Orch featuring Myself and Bob Mintzer..very nice CD!!
Photo de Randy Brecker.

randy brecker

OK got a release date on this Live CD! The Original Band with Me Mike, Don Grolnick,Steve Khan,Will Lee, Chris Parker and Sammy Figueroa…
Slammin’!!! It’s in stores Tuesday, March 24th!! Pre-Order is up at Amazon.
You’re gonna like this one…!
Check out this Brecker Brothers book by Ken Trethewey. It really is very informative,and well researched. With reviews of every record we recorded together or as solo artists + a full discography. I was very pleasantly surprised! Well done Ken! Hard Copy or Digital!
Also Available at iBooks
Hey All,Check out this Brecker Brothers book by Ken Trethewey. It really is very informative,and well researched. With reviews of every record we recorded together or as solo artists + a full discography. I was very pleasantly surprised! Well done Ken! Hard Copy or Digital!Also Available at iBookshttp://www.amazon.com/Brecker-Brothers-Funky-Sea-Blue-ebook/dp/B00HU8HR06/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1426003215&sr=8-3&keywords=brecker+brothers+book

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