IT’S FINALLY HERE!!! My new album, Ex Nihilo, has arrived and is now available for sale on iTunes, CDBaby, Amazon, and other digital music retailers! Available in both physical and digital format at:

This project would not have been possible without the talents, generosity, hard work, and support of many people, and some very special thanks are in order! First, a HUGE thanks to Evan Breedlove (bass) and Chadman Alexander Collins (drums) for ..


Cameron Allen
27 juillet, 19:40
Quick sample lick from my forthcoming instructional DVD – this one makes use of some economy picking and sweep picking across all six strings, and contains some unusual arpeggio shapes. Enjoy! 🙂
Economy / Sweep Picking Lick

Been hard at work finishing up both my new album and my new instructional DVD! Here’s a quick sample…


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