FM Tour dates
So here is the UK gig we were talking about.
Really looking forward to playing with our old mates FM in Warrington. We have known FM since the 80’s and I have always loved their music but this is the first time we have hooked up to do a date with Dare and FM. Can’t wait. Cheers guys.
Hope to see you all there
FM announce a very special show on Saturday 1st October at Warrington Pyramid & Parr Hall. Special guests for this show will be Dare.
This show will see these two iconic British bands FM and Dare playing together for the first time ever. « We are very pleased to be hooking up with our old mates Darren, Vinny and the boys for this special occasion ».
FM also welcome to open the show a band with a big future ahead of them Stone Broken.
Tickets on sale from Monday at: — with Gary Carr.