BOB STROGER news concerts




Today Is Bob Stroger‘s 93rd Birthday!

Happy 93rd birthday to Bob Stroger. Born Dec 27, 1930, Bob Stroger has had over seven decades, playing music professionally! This legendary, Bass Player is still touring the world, and is playing at the top of his game. And on top of that, in the last decade he’s really developed as a front man and singer, charming audiences all around the world and releasing critically acclaimed albums. Bob Stoger literally has worked with every Chicago blues legend imaginable, and to this day is still the Bass Player of choice for all traditionalists. And on top of all of this, he’s one of the kindest, happiest, best dressed musicians on the planet. So today let’s honor this great man on his birthday! Much love to Bob Stroger!


Peut être une image de 5 personnes, personnes debout et texte qui dit ’DELMARK RECORDS PRESENTS USA SE THE lu Person! ΤΟU Promoting New Album BOB STROGER HEADCUTTER September BUDDY GUY'S 02 ROSA'S LOUNGE 07 LEGENDS WITH BROTHER JOHN KATTKE Friday Chicago, Illinois Wednesday Chicago, Illinois 03 ROCKWELL AVE. BLUES FESTIVAL 09 JOHNNY BLITZ Saturday Chicago, Illinois Friday Westmont, Illinois 04 THE VENUE 10 T.B.A. Sunday Aurora, Illinois Saturday Sponsor Patrocínio: PROGRAMA APOIO INTERCÂMBIO CULTURAL 2019 Support Apoio: ITAJAI MUNICÍPIO dl sonkey. HOHNER ProShows FRAHMII delmark’


La leyenda del blues Bob Stroger recibirá en #Bilbao la txapela que le acreditará como Premio Bilbao Blues Festival
El bajista y cantante formará parte del ‘line up’ del Chicago All Star que actuará en Bilbao BLUES Festival junto a otros grandes nombres del género como Kim Johnson, Mike Avery, Kenny Smith, Billy Flynn, Piano Willie y Joey Saye
EU. Bob Stroger blues-musikari ospetsuak, baxu-jotzaile eta abeslariak, Bilbao Blues Festival Saridunaren erakusgarria den txapela jasoko du
Bob Strogerrek Chicago All Star taldearen parte bat sustatuko du, eta Bilbao Blues Festivalen arituko da Kim Johnson, Mike Avery, Kenny Smith, Billy Flynn, Piano Willie eta Joey Sayerekin batera
EN. The blues legend Bob Stroger (Hayti, Missouri,1939), bassist and singer, will receive the txapela that will accredit him as the Bilbao Blues Festival Award
Bob Stroger will be part of the Chicago All Star line up that will perform at the Bilbao Blues Festival alongside other big names of the genre such as Kim Johnson, Mike Avery, Kenny Smith, Billy Flynn, Piano Willie and Joey Saye
La légende du blues Bob Stroger recevra à #Bilbao le txapela qui lui créditera comme Prix Bilbao Blues Festival
Le bassiste et chanteur fera partie de la ligne up du Chicago All Star qui se produira sur Bilbao BLUES Festival avec d’autres grands noms du genre comme Kim Johnson, Mike Avery, Kenny Smith, Billy Flynn, Piano Willie et Joey Saye
C’EST. Le prestigieux musicien de blues Bob Stroger, bassiste et chanteur, recevra le txapela en échantillon du Prix Bilbao Blues Festival
Bob Stroger booste une partie du groupe Chicago All Star et jouera au Bilbao Blues Festival aux côtés de Kim Johnson, Mike Avery, Kenny Smith, Billy Flynn, Piano Willie et Joey Saye
EN. La légende du blues Bob Stroger (Hayti, Missouri, 1939), bassiste et chanteur, recevra la txapela qui l’accréditera comme Bilbao Blues Festival Award
Bob Stroger fera partie de la gamme All Star de Chicago qui se produira au Bilbao Blues Festival aux côtés d’autres grands noms du genre tels que Kim Johnson, Mike Avery, Kenny Smith, Billy Flynn, Piano Willie et Joey Saye
avec un petit souvenir de Paris à partager

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