HANNAH JUDSON Infos concert


01 HJapf

Hannah Judson performs a solo set with telecaster and live looped tracks and original alt/folk songs. Followed by The Communal Well(US/FR), with their reliably charming raucous blues/rock.

Thurs Sept 17 Berlin
Wild at Heart Wiener Straße 20 20h

Fri Sept 18 Cologne
Lichtung, Ubierring 13 20h

Sat Sept 19 Saarbrücken
Café de Paris, Blumenstraße 10 20h

x0x0 hannah


Köln DE, Sept. 18 Lichtung
Berlin, DE, Thursday Sept. 17 Wild at Heart with The Communal Well

Saarbrücken DE, Sat. Sept. 19 at Café de Paris, with The Communal Well
Montreuil FR, Sat. Oct 10, Open Studios with Florence Artur’s projected live animation. 
New York NY USA, Wed. Oct. 21 Rockwood Music Hall, 7pm




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