Movinmusic Mike Grant a partagé une photo de The Meeting Room. Just in – the Meeting Room in Elland has just confirmed Rob Tognoni and his band for a gig on Saturday the 23rd November.
Le décalage culturel
Movinmusic Mike Grant a partagé une photo de The Meeting Room. Just in – the Meeting Room in Elland has just confirmed Rob Tognoni and his band for a gig on Saturday the 23rd November. LISTEN LIVE PURE BLUES,ROCK AND COUNTRY MUSIC.check the cd reviews,news,concert dates,speak in the chat room,videos,also promote your music send us your songs in mp3,the news of your band,your live concerts,interviews in this e mail...
Jp Savouyaud a publié dans VIRUS DE BLUES Jp Savouyaud 17 mai 18:24 J-20Il reste quelques places !! VOYAGE A CHICAGO SPECIAL FESTIVAL DE BLUES 2013 !!! DU 5 AU 10 JUIN 2013 –...
– Pics from the « Dangerously Close » CD Release Party at Hog Penny – MUSIC VIDEO WEEKLY Alt. Acoustic Takes from « Dangerously Close » Facebook Twitter May 17, 2013 Good Evening, Planet Earth! On Sunday,...
Randy Hansen 2022 RANDY HANSEN (USA) European APRIL/MAY Tour 2022 21.4 DE-Berlin, Quasimodo 22.4 DE-Dresden, Tante Ju 23.4 DE-Zwickau, Alter Gasometer 27.4 DE-Düsseldorf, Pitcher 28.4 DE-Kaiserslautern, Kammgarn 30.4 NL-Leiden, Gebr de Nobel 01.5 NL-Alkmaar,...
Sortie du prochain CD de B enoit B lue B oy & Franck Goldwasser le 21 mai, sur le label Frémeaux & associés : En ce mois de nove mb re 2012, juste à côté...
Liz Mandeville a partagé une photo de Diane Urbaniak. Here’s where I’ll be performing this Sunday with a host of great Chicago Musicians. We’re raising funds for a former roadie for Foghat, no medical insurance and the big...
Gerry Joe Weise GuitaristeGuitarist RED HOUSE Jimi Hendrix cover @ Cabaret Sauvage, Paris . YouTube . Gerry Joe Weise, Red House, Cabaret Sauvage, Belovely Day Paris DVD Australian blues guitarist Gerry Joe Weise...