JOHNNY NEEL nous a quittés RIP
JOHNNY NEEL Johnny Neel (June 11, 1954 – October 6, 2024) was an American vocalist, songwriter, and musician based in Nashville, Tennessee. He is best known for his songwriting, his work as a session musician, and...
Le décalage culturel
JOHNNY NEEL Johnny Neel (June 11, 1954 – October 6, 2024) was an American vocalist, songwriter, and musician based in Nashville, Tennessee. He is best known for his songwriting, his work as a session musician, and...
Cissy Houston Emily « Cissy » Houston, née Drinkard le 30 septembre 1933 à Newark et morte le 7 octobre 2024, est une chanteuse de soul et de gospel américaine. Biographie [modifier | modifier le code] Choriste pour des artistes comme Elvis Presley et Aretha Franklin, elle est principalement connue pour sa carrière solo,...
DOCTOR VELVET Doctor Velvet New Breed Wap Shoo Wap Records 4 October 2024 View Page Amsterdam-based band Doctor Velvet is thrilled to announce the release of their highly anticipated debut album, NEW BREED. This dynamic record marks...
Van Zant « There You Are » – Official Music Video The new album « Always Look Up » from Van Zant is finally here. Donnie shares that « As Christians our job is to go out and to...
JEAN LOUIS AUBERT Et s’il repartait sur la route ? Jean-Louis Aubert qui sort bientôt un nouvel album devrait bientôt annoncer des concerts Si on connait la date de sortie du nouvel album de Jean-Louis...
JACK ART FATHER & SON Évènement de Father & Son – The Springsteen Experience, Jack Art – Artist Page et Jack Art Perso Hard Rock Cafe Paris Public · Tout le monde sur ou en dehors de Facebook (FR)...
Exclu Fnac – Ecoute en avant-première du nouvel album de David Gilmour Pour accompagner la sortie de Luck and Strange, premier album composé de nouveaux morceaux de David Gilmour depuis neuf ans, la Fnac crée l’événement. Les...