WWE Infos

A Night of Champions 2013, le Shield défendra les titres de Champions par Equipe, mais leurs challengers doivent mériter leur opportunité en survivant à un Tag Team Turmoil Match pendant le Kickoff de Night of Champions.

QUI SERONT LES EQUIPES? – http://bit.ly/NoCKickoff

Pour qui serez-vous?

A Night of Champions 2013, le Shield défendra les titres de Champions par Equipe, mais leurs challengers doivent mériter leur opportunité en survivant à un Tag Team Turmoil Match pendant le Kickoff de Night of Champions. </p><br /><br />
<p>QUI SERONT LES EQUIPES? - http://bit.ly/NoCKickoff</p><br /><br />
<p>Pour qui serez-vous?

WWE.com has compiled video clips of EVERY instance of the WWE Title changing hands that we could find in our archives. Start at Buddy Rogers’ reign in 1963 and make your way through to Randy Orton’s controversial cash-in at SummerSlam 2013!
PART 1: http://wwe.me/oJUdd
PART 2: http://wwe.me/oJUi0
PART 3: http://wwe.me/oJUmc
PART 4: http://wwe.me/oJUqx
@[7175346442:274:WWE].com has compiled video clips of EVERY instance of the WWE Title changing hands that we could find in our archives. Start at Buddy Rogers' reign in 1963 and make your way through to Randy Orton's controversial cash-in at SummerSlam 2013!
PART 1: http://wwe.me/oJUdd 
PART 2: http://wwe.me/oJUi0 
PART 3: http://wwe.me/oJUmc 
PART 4: http://wwe.me/oJUqx 



































































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